Just a little update: Sunny Sallys Crew … My Hippy and the Holidays!

Gratitude – thankful for my circle and all the love.
Patience – progress is progress no matter the speed.
Grace – loving this body for its ability to heal and adapt.

Hi Sunny Sallys Crew,

It’s Christmas Eve  and I wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends. If you find yourself alone please reach out. The holidays can be difficult for some, I am sending you my love and open invite.
Thank you all for an amazing 2023, from Yoga at Bad Apple to Restorative and Stretch Health, Retreats at the lake, the farm and Costa Rica, you are all what fuel my fire.Thank you for supporting my business and making Sunny Sallys a safe and solid place to land.
News about me:
As most of you know I have had a full right hip replacement, it is something that has been ongoing for many years, and yoga helped me stay mobile and strong for as long as I did. I was born with a structural hip issue that wasn’t discovered until I was 11, I had surgery then and my own hips have carried me up to now. Quite amazing when you think about it.
What’s Up for 2024?
Sunny Sallys Shalala at the Farm is blooming – including heat/ac and electrical wiring completed just this week,
I plan to host regular class sessions starting in spring.
I am researching Greece for a retreat for mid May this year. Please let me know if this is something you are interested in. I need an idea of numbers.
Budget would be 2500 roughly depending on flights. and you will need 7+days due to travel time.
I am hoping that we will have 2 Costa Rica retreats next fall back to back, one week at Los Altos the original boutique hotel and another I am toying with a week split between the Beach and MonteVerde.
Your input is always appreciated.
Wishing you the merriest, jolliest times for the upcoming weeks with a focus on gratitude and compassion.   Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need a friend.
Love and light to you all,and to all a good night 💛
Sarah Oliver

Sunny Sallys Inc.
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